Kirby has a 6 hour interview today with a company in Vancouver, WA.
Technically Portland, but the offices are in Vancouver (just over the Oregon/Washington border)? Don't worry. I don't really get it, either.
A cold front has hit the area hard--our flight was delayed a couple hours last night because the pilots of our plane got caught in a storm in Denver on one of their earlier flights, which made them late late late.
I just got a severe weather warning text. Apparently Utah is going to be hit hard later today with extreme cold, snow, and wind. I wonder if it's the same storm that passed through here? It's funny to me how scared people are of snow here. It snowed last night, and one of the head guys at the company here in Vancouver called Kirby to let him know that there was a possibility that they would be closed if the weather continued to be "this bad." :) To be fair, the roads were CRAZY slick last night, but I still giggle inside.
We didn't get to our hotel until about 2:30am, after which Kirby ran (well, drove, technically--the company rented a brand new Corolla for us. Pretty awesome.) to the nearest 24 hour grocery store to get some baby oatmeal (the one thing we forgot to pack.)
What? Our child needs to EAT!?
Meanwhile, I was with Emily in our hotel room trying to soothe her and keep her from waking up the entire lodge while setting up a pack 'n' play with one hand.
All things considered, Emily did GREAT. She loved ripping up the in-flight magazine, and was surprisingly pleasant three hours past her bedtime. Thank heavens for goldfish. She actually slept through most of the second leg (we had a stop in Vegas... BOOOO...), which allowed Kirby and I to sleep for most of that flight, too!
Now I'm just chilling in our cozy lodge hotel room, taking a break from straightening my hair. Emily is sleeping right next to me. I've got some sweet tunes playing.
Life is good.
Our main purpose in the Great Northwest is to celebrate Thanksgiving with Kirby's family. All of Kirby's siblings will be there, so we are really excited.
There is about a 60% chance we'll be moving out of Utah in January. Kirby is in final round interviews with some companies, and waiting on offers from a couple others. Looks like our options will be:
(Drumroll please...)
Portland, OR
If all goes well today, of course...
Madison, WI
Have official offer...
Salt Lake City, UT
They've told us they want him. Should have official offer in about a week.
Orem, UT
Kirby needs to send in a sample of his technical writing before the interviewing process is considered complete.
Dallas, TX
Kirby's wanted. Offer is in the works.
I'm pretty sure I did a fabulicious jig when we got the official offer from the company in Wisconsin.
I mean, it's an OFFICIAL OFFER.
With details and salary and health benefits and everything.
I don't feel grown up enough for this!
But I am crazy excited.
We should have offers/rejections (let's me optimistic, though, shall we???) by the end of the month, and we've told the company in Wisconsin that we'd let them know by December 6th, so our decision will have to be made by then!
It seriously blows my mind every time I think about it.
Aaaand, that's all I have to say right now.
I need to finish my hair...