Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A New Purpose

***For your information: This post was actually written the week of Thanksgiving. For some reason, YouTube decided to make the default setting when you click to "share" one of your videos to share the entire playlist that video was in. Aaaaand... I just figured out how to fix it. Happy day.***

There was a time when I really wanted to have a blog that everyone loved to READ. Not just a "here what happened this week" sorta deal. But a blog that was honestly entertaining for people to read. I have found that with that particular expectation placed on myself, I put off blogging. A lot. Because if I didn't have time to make it awesome, I felt like I shouldn't bother. 

Well, I've decided to throw all of that out the window. We have grandparents who live hundreds of miles away who need to see pictures and videos of their grandbabies, for goodness sakes! My new "purpose" for my blog is to offer glimpses into our lives. Not a journal. Not brilliantly written. Just little snapshots of the cuteness, hilarity, and reality that makes up who we are. 

So. To start us off...
I know I already posted a Halloween shot of both the girls, but I just love this one, too.

Sometimes Skyping with the grand-parentals can get a little... frightening
I know it looks like I'm grabbing her head. Totally not. That's all kirby. 

Emily turned 3.
Don't believe what they tell you about the terrible two's. They don't actually end. 

A really cute, loving, extremely opinionated and stubborn monster.

For her birthday we invited a couple friends in the ward. It was very last minute (as in, I texted their moms the night before...). We kept it simple. Pizza. Cake. Balloons. 

And I totally underestimated the fun the balloons would be.
The kids LOVED them!

And for those of you who saw this picture on instagram and thought

Well, here's how...

That's all the craziness for today. 
Thanksgiving is at our place this year. Time to buckle down and clean some toilets! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Checking in.

Yeah, yeah. This is my typical "I can't believe it's been X number of months since I posted!" post. But really--I have just had so much else going on, blogging hasn't been a priority at all.

Emily turns 3 tomorrow.
Sydney will be 18 months just a week later.

Aaand... I found this super cute video of Sydney from a couple weeks ago. I was desperate to get out of the house, and needed to run to the post office. I decided to run to the one by the mall, and stop in for a bit of library-ing, pet store-ing and some unplanned frozen yogurt-ing. Our mall is awesome.

We went through a bit of a rough patch, Emily and I. She is very strong-willed, and she went through a particularly defiant phase, and I must admit I went through a particularly impatient phase. It was a rough, ROUGH time. It was one of those situations where I knew I couldn't do it myself. I prayed for patience, because deep down I knew I was most of the problem. Things didn't improve right away, and I don't know if she became less defiant, or if I got a crazy patience boost (most likely a little of both), but things have been so much better. Not perfect, obviously. It's life, and it never will be perfect, but at least we're not butting heads ALL. DAY. LONG. 

On another note--here are my adorable girls.
Not the greatest quality. I haven't edited my good ones yet...

Here's just a liiiittle bit of that defiance I mentioned... ;)

Alas. My bedtime has arrived. No more updates for now.
I have posted.

©2009 DAV.I.SON. | by TNB