Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Sydney's off the CPAP as of this morning.
She could potentially get put back on if she struggles on the nasal cannula, but hopefully she's off for good!

This was taken yesterday, during her last "hat check."

And here she is with me (and my cra-zay-zy hair) today, rocking the nasal cannula.
Can you believe I posted a picture the SAME DAY I took it!?

I can't wait to see her tomorrow and see how much the shape of her head has changed. :) The hats they use to keep the CPAP positioned are really tight (for obvious reasons), so Sydney's head is a little bit oblong. Her eyes should "un-puff" now, too, that they're not being squished shut by that blasted hat.

She gained two ounces last night, landing her at a whopping 3 lbs 8 ounces!

Most babies get to leave the NICU around 36-37 weeks gestation, which leaves us 3-4 weeks left.
6 down. 3-4 to go.

But DANG! Ain't she CUUTE!?

Emily is starting to get into all sorts of mischief. 
She's gonna be a climber, just like her mommy was.
(Sorry, mom!)

She's totally thinking, "Shoot. Do I run, or act cute and innocent!?"

She still LOVES Enchanted.
Please observe the elbow dimples.

Best seat in the house.

Until daddy brought in the camp chair, that is. 
Yes, I'm working on trademarking her thighs. Don't be jealous.

Oh--what is Daddy up to, you ask?
Well... he keeps busy. 
You know. With the important stuff.


Often times when I'm drying and/or straightening my hair I will put Sesame Street on for Emily. 
This song was on today's episode, and it brought back so many memories. It was on the show when I was little, and I remember loving it. 

It made me want to "reach" and "stretch" more in my own life.
Funny how much our "flexibility" diminishes as we get older.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sometimes... I knit stuff.

And it's awesome.

First project. A little rough around the edges, yes. If I could go back I wouldn't choose crazy-bulky yarn. Not the easiest to learn on.

Project #2. Everyone needs a big fluffy monkey, right?

Projects 3 & 4. For the nephews' birthdays. I have lovingly dubbed them "Fire and Ice".

For the other nephew.

And my latest project... Just for fun.

I'm halfway-seriously considering selling these on etsy. I'm allowed to, even though I didn't write the patterns, as long as I give credit to the lady who designed them.

So tell me this. Do you think people would actually buy them???

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Skinny.

Or... maybe the not-so-skinny?

Sydney hit 3 pounds today.

She's breathing well. A couple days ago they brought her down to 4 on the CPAP again (this is the third try), and so far so good. If she continues the way she is she could potentially be off the blasted thing in about a week. 
(Love/Hate relationship with the CPAP.)

Also--the doctor didn't hear her usual murmur this morning. Could be a good thing, could just be a fluke. It's not uncommon for murmurs to "come and go". That being said, if the murmur "stays away" for a couple days they will be able to increase her feeds, which will consequently help her gain weight, and thus help in getting her off the CPAP sooner.

Oh, and did I mention she's as cute as ever?

Here's that movie I promised. 
Wow. It's been a week and a half since I took this.
She's gained several ounces since then.

Emily is doing really well. She's a little fireball--soooo much energy in that tiny body! I have all sorts of movies of her dancing and laughing. More of those later. Right now I just feel relieved that I've blogged something at all. :)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Quick Update.

I know.

Once upon a time it was May 6th and I was going into the hospital with contractions.
Now it's June 2nd and I'm a mother of two.

Where did May go!?!?

I have lots to share, but no time right now to post it all. So for now, here's a shot of Sydney I took today during her hat check. 

"I dunno about you..."

Yeah. She totally knew the RT was going to put the CPAP right back on...
I have some darling video of her. I just need to shorten it a bit and upload it to YouTube. 

Tomorrow, right?

She's currently 2 lbs 8 oz.
Still on the CPAP.
PICC line was removed a week or two ago. Hooray!
Getting mommy's milk through a feeding tube continuously. 
Poops like a champ.

Any questions? :)

©2009 DAV.I.SON. | by TNB