The good news is that Kirby and I now feel it has been a sufficient amount of time to be honest with the world. :) Come November 1st (or there-abouts) we will me meeting our little girl face to face.
Surprise, surprise!
To those who may feel slighted at not being informed earlier, lemme 'splain. After three miscarriages we wanted to limit the number of people we had to tell bad news to if pregnancy #4 went south. So we agreed it would stay under wraps until our 20 week ultrasound.
So there you have it. I am over halfway there, now! HOLLA!
And just because an announcement like this would seem incomplete without pictures of some kind...
Unfortunately for us, our stubborn little girl was lying face down for most of the ultrasound. We were able to poke her enough to get her to sort-of roll almost on to her side, but to no avail. Additionally, when she did roll a teensy bit, her chin was also tucked tightly into her chest. She's a daddy's girl, that one. I would share a picture of Kirby's signature funny face, but I couldn't find one! For those of you who have seen it, it's probably burned into your memory forever, and for those of you who haven't... well... You'll just have to ask him about it sometime! SO--Believe it or not, this is the best view of her face we could manage. It's mostly skull. We have to wait another month to try again to see the profile...

Because we love little baby toes!

She may have been shy about showing us her face, but she was all about showin' off those guns! Daddy's girl indeed. Not only has she mastered his signature funny face, but she's inherited his musculature! :)

Yup. She was all about showing off her calves and hamstrings, too. Flex and release... flex and release...

I'm not really sure how to end a post like this.
Perhaps with a...
Lauren! This is the best news ever! Congratulations to you and Kirby!
Also, I find it slightly ironic that my word verification for that last one was "cloistor"... (:
Congrats! That is the most awesome news.
Congrats Lauren!!! That is super cool, you'll be a great mom.
-Whitney Rawle
Oh my gosh! I'm so excited! I could cry! Tears of happiness and joy, that is... YAY! Congrats!
Wow, Lauren! Congratulations!! That is fantabulous news. Your kids are all going to be cool geniuses. So glad you have a blog so I can keep up with these happenings.
I am SO happy for you both, ya'll will be great parents! A girl is what I wanted, but you got it...lucky!!
ah i'm so thrilled for you!!!!!!! Congrats lauren!!
Congratulations, Lauren and Kirby!! We are so happy for you! Little girls are so fun! Are you guys planning on being at the reunion? If so, we'll see you there and expect a big hug from us! :0) Love you guys!
yay so exciting. congrats you guys!
YEA!!!! How exciting! Congrats! I was hoping that things would work out for you guys! did you have to do any different fertility tricks to get her to keep in the womb? I am excited to see pictures of you as your belly grows, and of course the newbie pictures she will come with once she is out of the belly!! YIPEE
Congratulations! She's beautiful already!
Jami--you bet we'll be at the reunion! We're going to the Harry Potter midnight showing, so one night we'll be gone, but other than that! :)
Lila--I just had to take Prometrium (synthesized progesterone). A pretty easy fix. It just took us a bit to figure it out!
Thanks so much everyone! We're so excited!
Congratulations you guys! I'm SO excited for you!
I so knew it. Mind telling us which insurance finally took you on?
Congratulations!!! What great news!
Natasha--I took a class at BYU as a post baccalaureate which qualified me for another year of student pricing on their insurance, so that will cover me through August and then I'll either hop on as a dependent on Kirby's, or pay month to month with them for the last couple months... PHEW! But once she comes out I'll be able to get normal insurance!! :)
eww . . . insurance.
AHHHHHH congrats!!! We're so excited for you guys. Like insanely excited. So wish we still lived there and our girls could be BFF's. So happy the baby train is chugging along!
Ahh! Exciting! Congrats to you both ;)
Congratulations! I don't blame you for waiting to tell everyone. I'd do the same. You'll love having a girl. They're the best! (I'm sure boys are great two, but seeing as we have two girls we're somewhat partial right now!)
That's FANTASTIC news!! Can's wait to see you in a couple of weeks.
Bah! We are so excited for you guys also! We owe you babysitting -by the way...
Congrats! It's so great to be a mom, but not so fun trying to figure out all that insurance stuff. Pregnant ladies are already stressed as it is without all that confusing fine print! Good luck with everything and you are going to love having that little baby to snuggle with.
Congratulations!! Good luck with the 2nd half, time seems to been flying by for us.
Tee hee hee. I was wanting to blog it, but I figured I should wait until you did ;) MWAAAAAAAH!!! Gratz!
We're talking with your husband right now and are absolutely OVERJOYED for you guys!!! I wish I could give you a wonderfully big hug right now! Nicotine is a lovely name, but might I recommend something a bit more traditional, like Nicolina or Nikki J (the second is a well-beloved nickname of Nick's)? One final suggestion is Nick Jr., which Nick refuses to let me name any of our fun!
So happy for you!!! Congratulations!
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