Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Digital Scrapbooking

So, my older sister got into digital scrapbooking--BIG TIME. and then she and some other ladies around the world got together (via the internet, of course) and decided to put a freebie package together for the 12 days of Christmas (I think...). It was just for fun at first, to see what would happen mostly, and it was HUGE. So they decided to create a business and here is their website:

Their stuff is fantastic. And each package has its own unique style, because they're created by different people! If you have never considered digital scrapbooking, or if you love it, check out their site! If I ever scrapbook for my children, I'm going to have to do this. There's no cutting... no paper buying... no walls to hit as the artistic creator... You just insert your photos, and then have somewhere print and bind your album. So cool.


Adriane said...

lol! I LOVE you! I can't believe how behind I am on your blog! I'm sorry. BAD SISTER!


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