When we first got to the temple, we had to wait 10-15 minutes for the goofballs to actually come out of the temple, and I got antsy. So I got my camera out early and took some pictures of Meridith! This one is my favorite. :) I love the vibrant greens in the background, and the crazy thing is--her eyes almost look green--but they are not even close! Sky blue, is what they are...

Mer wanted her turn, too, but unfortunately I was facing the sun. And I prefer to be behind the camera, not in front of it... can you tell???

Hooray for Shanna and Branson! Happy wedding! I'm wearing my pseudo-maternity dress. Haha. It's not a maternity dress, but since it has an empire waist, it kinda looks like one! :)

First stop after the temple was the Olive Garden (naturally) where we had a nice leisurely lunch. Oh man, it was good. You can tell here that I switched to my point and shoot camera. First of all, this pictures not even in focus, but I liked it anyways. :)

Charming! The salad is just so delicious I couldn't help but try and fit the whole thing in my mouth at once! :) Now that I think back, there were no tomatoes on that salad! Darn salmonella...

After we'd had delicious food and a lovely chat we headed to the Gateway to explore. We're both not very familiar with it, so it was a good adventure. We didn't see half of it, though, I'm afraid. We stopped in at Gap and took a rest in front of a tri-fold mirror. And then I bought a hot pink shirt. And I love it. :) It's in my lap in this picture...

Haha. So, y'all may think we're nuts, but while we were driving around trying to find something else to do we passed Ethan Allan (Allen) and I thought to myself, "COUCHES!" We'd been walking around for several hours at this point in our Sunday shoes, and our feet were beginning to feel the effects. We spent somewhere around 3 hours walking (and sitting) around that store! It was glorious. And every so often I'd snap a picture. Here's one of a comfy office chair.

Now THIS chair was glorious. I sat in it and at first I was like, "BWUUUUT?" because it was way too reclined. But then I did a little wiggle and a footrest popped out and it slid back and it was heaven. Trust me--Meridith was very happy in that chair, despite how she may look in this picture. :)

SURPRISE! This was awesome. The flat screen moved down into this cabinet with a bunch of DVD storage in the front. So cool. I don't know how I feel about the wash of the wood... or if you can even call it a wash... but the idea was awesome. It even had a little keychain like you'd have for a car to unlock the doors!

We stayed here the remainder of our time and loved every minute of it (even though once Garrett got there he was excessively unamused. BOOOO) Then we went to the reception.
I've posted pictures of the actual wedding on my photography blog! davisonphoto.blogspot.com.
As a side note--Mer and I are lucky we made it home from Salt Lake. I mean, we wouldn't have died, but she should have broken down. One of the belts in my car was completely shredded. We knew it was loose for a while, but once we were up in Salt Lake it really started to sound different. When I got home, I had Kirby and his friend Brad check it out. Yup. Shredded! They fixed it that night. We were blessed!
hahaHA! I like it! How fun! Let's do it again! :D
Well, except for the shredded belt part...
Lauren, do you think you could take some pictures for us on Monday around 4:30 ish? We would really love some studio shots I think!!! Call me!
P.S. I think I snorted out loud when I saw the picture of me in our favorite chair. ;)
Let's play!
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