Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Big Blue Wall.

So here's the plan. And I'm super excited about it.

I am going to shamelessly copy THIS idea, found HERE.

Which was inspired from THIS.

I'm planning on mounting 5x7 prints of our family, friends, and other cool looking stuff on foam board or something similar, to give it added stiffness, and then just stick them on the shallow "shelves." Of course, we would LOVE some cool postcards, too--if any of y'all have some sitting around or want to send one our way, shoot me an email at davisonphotography {at} gmail {dot} com and I'll send our new address your way. :)

I'm crazy excited about this because it will provide us with an art piece that is fun and modern, but it also easily changeable. It will be easy (and inexpensive) to switch out a 5x7 here, and a postcard there. It will also be easy to keep the pictures current--and it's a place to put those fun photos that don't quite make it into a frame. ALSO--in a space that would hold maybe 6-10 frames, we'll be able to fit 20+ pictures. 

I'm beyond excited.


Anonymous said...

I think this is a great idea! Love that you can put absolutley anything up there & change it out so easily. It will be great for holiday decor too. Cute blog, I'm a new follower.


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